Try CLEAR Now!

If you want to alleviate stress, reduce negative emotions, eliminate obsessive thinking, release trauma, or help actualize your potential, you can use the following simplified steps of CLEAR®.

Simplified Version of CLEAR

If you are not comfortable muscle testing, use the following steps. Keep going through the steps until you feel done. You may stop at any point if you feel the issue is cleared.

  1. As you work, write down blocking beliefs you think may be impacting the issue.
  2. Think about the situation. Bring up any feelings you have and check-in regarding how your body feels (e.g., are you tense anywhere, do you have butterflies, feel nauseated, have pain anywhere?). Cross your arms over one another and while continuing to feel the feelings/situation alternately tap on your biceps with your hands—right, left, right left, continuing until you feel done. If crossing one arm over the other doesn’t feel comfortable or is too constricting, rest your left hand on your left leg and your right hand on your right leg and alternately tap on your thighs, tap right, tap left, tap right, tap left, until you feel done. After focusing on the sensations in the body for a while, then go back in time and check in with your inner child about how s/he felt about the issue. How far back does it go? Validate those feelings (of course s/he would feel that way); just let them be there for a while so the body can process them; then see what s/he needs and comfort her.
  3. Go to the inner eye point and put your attention again on the issue. See what comes up, and put your attention on whatever thoughts, feelings or physical sensations arise. Stay with the thought, feeling, or sensation until you feel a shift. After focusing on the sensations in the body for a while, then go back in time and check in with your inner child about how s/he felt about the issue. How far back does it go? Validate those feelings (of course she would feel that way); let them be there for a while so the body can process them; then comfort the child.
  4. Repeat step 3 for the under eye, outer eye, nose, chin, collar bone, rib, and underarm points.
  5. If you still feel emotional about the issue after going through the points in step 4, finish the rest of the points and do step 3 on each of the following: the thumb, index finger, middle finger, little finger, side of hand and gamut point.
  6. Do the bilateral and breathe in the feelings you started with regarding the issue. Breathe in the anxiety, sadness, anger etc. and breathe out love. This allows you to fully accept the feeling and make sure there is no resistance to the feeling…to clear any remaining feelings.
  7. Clear blocking beliefs by rubbing the sore spots while saying, “Even though I (say blocking beliefs here), I love and accept myself, honor and respect myself, I forgive myself for these things and I forgive anyone who impacted me in thinking these things, and I am present in my heart.”

If you do Muscle testing, follow the simplified version and test each point before doing it to see if it is necessary.

With muscle testing, you can check to see if there are ancestors involved in the issue by following these steps:  Make the statement: There is an ancestor related to this issue. Muscle test. If yes, ask, mother’s side? And muscle test. If yes, ask mother? If yes, note that and ask if there is someone else. If yes, test, M’s mother. If yes, write that down. If no, test, mother’s father? If yes, writes that down then then continue back to see if there are others.


Acupressure Point Chart

Image: Bi-lateral Stimulation